Friday, January 13, 2006

God is good....

This afternoon after I had made a woman cry because "you are taking my childrens grocery money" even though she told me that if she "has any money in my bank account, I spend it", I went outside for a smoke & saw a man with down syndrome sporting some MAJOR bling. He had gold chains & a HUGE medallion. And I thought I was done laughing at people all day after make that lady cry & laughed at her. God is good...


David Tellez said...

Ok, so I know God frowns upon people who laugh at people with special needs, and that it's total bad karma, but honestly...that's too funny!

Have you ever seen that show, Crank Yankers? You know Special Edd? LOL...I totally pictured him rockin' the bling, and I could not help but laugh out loud!

"Hay guyz...look ah me! I hav bling! Yay!" I'm so going to hell...

Count Mockula said...

Hey! Nearly a week has passed since bling boy! Where are you? Is work busy? Dude, I'm having my mom Tivo our thing tomorrow. Gynas on the teevee!

Anonymous said...

I was channel surfing last night, when Gynagirl and the gang popped up on my TV screen! I only caught the last bit, but that was good times. But what were y'all doing on a hyphy hip-hop show? The best part was hearing the host say "The Gynas." He seemed like a cool cat ...

Suzanne said...

Yes, I have missed you too! Every day I come here (multiple times)for my fix of Gyna, but so far, no luck! Hope everything is OK.

Count Mockula said...


What, you think we're not down with the hip-hop crew? We and John Biss are tight, yo. We were chillin', drinkin' gin and juice . . . it was bangin'.