Monday, April 03, 2006

That's an "at home" activity

A male pal of mine just told me the funniest story that he is allowing me to share. He was in a public restroom getting ready to peepee. Here is the rest in his words; "you know how men pee, right? they take their manbits out over their pants & hang on to it. Well, my boys ended up resting on my thumb, so I sniffed it while I was whizzing. I guess I didn't notice the guy right next to me until I look over, thumb under my nose & see him looking at me with huge eyes & then he turned away really quick like he didn't see me sniff my thumb."


Count Mockula said...

Okay, I know I'm not a boy, but wouldn't that require A: having your thumb be on the wrong side of things (try it) and B: switching hands mid-pee?

Still funny, though, actually, a little more so given the movements and machinations he'd have had to go through to sniff his thumb in such a manner.

gynagirl said...

He says he doesn't hold it like you would a hose. He lifts & places the "goods" on top of his hand. The "twig" rests on top of his thumb & hand. I am thinking he is almost saluting.

Count Mockula said...

Interesting. I've never had the opportunity to try, but that doesn't seem like the instinctive way to go about it. Guys out there, how do you hold it? Garden hose or resting shelf?
Cigarette? Kung fu grip? Dainty teacup? Namaste prayer hands? Vulcan salute?

Anonymous said...

I summon the gimp

David Tellez said...

Yeah, for once, I agree with Dr. Phil. Why is your friend smelling his thumb?! Dont he know it aint gonna smell like roses and berries? Come on, now...

gynagirl said...

I have to disagree with all you haters. You know you smell some of your own toe jam/ball sweat/ass sweat/earwax/ and anything that your body produces at one time or another. It is perfectly normal & healthy to be aware of all aspects of your bodily functions. I have been known to smell my own toe jam from time to time. Yeah, that's right! I'll admit it! We all produce it. To all you that think "eww.. That's gross"... Damn straight it's gross, but so is pooping & vomiting & any sexual fluid. Don't front. To all you out there, go home & smell some of the aromatic by-products of your own body. FYI, you are always drinking your own spit....

Murph said...

I'll back that up. Sometimes I'll wipe the crease between my sac and my leg and then give it a smell. Everyone knows that's the area that gets the least amount of air, and therefore smells the worst, which in turn begs me to smell it.