Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm back!

So much has happened since my little adventure. Lots of bad stuff, but I will not go into detail, instead, I will share my delicious finds that I torture drummer girl with on a weekly basis...
This is a total gem. I don't think anything I can say will do it justice....


Anonymous said...

Your back!
I'm so happy

Anonymous said...

Kiki, your grammar hurts my feelings. It's "You're back" not "Your back." Think of it like this: "You're about to lick my neck, my back," not "Your neck, your back, lick your ..."



Anonymous said...

You're back and so is the crew! Hey KIKI and Mensa what you fools been up to. I smell a reunion. Plus I'm FINALLY turning 30 in July.

Monkeygirl aka. Mrs. Monkeygirl Esq.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Monkeygirl, I've been up to the same ol' same ol': studying the finer points of the Pythagorean Theorem and beating fools down with my Thesaurus. Hey, anyone want a cheeseburger?