On Friday, Mr. Drummergirl & I went to see "Cloverfield" which was AWESOME! Loved it. Will probably check it out again. Sunday, my uncle, mother & I went to check out the "Bodies Revealed" exhibit here in town. Very cool, but my uncle told me that the one here in town is about half the size of the one that is in larger cities. It doesn't have all the diseases and deformities that the larger one has. I was still pretty cool. I did feel weird checking out the insides of Chinese prisoners especially because some of them were in poses like swinging a golf club... I likely doubt that the prisoners played golf. Well, in the afterlife they get a chance... Started school this week. Yoga & Death and Dying should be pretty easy & interesting, but I am also taking Microbiology. The professor told us that if we didn't take any prior Biology classes in college that we probably wouldn't pass the class. It is a bit disheartening because the only pre-requisite for the class is Chemistry, which I took. I wish the counselor told me that I should take a regular Biology course before this one. Talked it over with my mom & Drummergirl and they helped me make the decision to keep with the class and bust my butt and if I find that I am lost, I can drop the class. The only thing is that the class is expensive. Lab supplies and all the books come to close to $400. I'd hate to invest so much money (which I don't have to waste) & have to drop the class. It would also set me back a semester. I could take a Biology course in the summer time to refresh and retake Micro in the fall, but I hate that I might have to prolong my schooling. I am so close so it is frustrating. I will give it my all and bust my booty and get her done!
Happy Thanksgiving
5 years ago
Good luck in the bio class. You've been rocking this so far -- I bet you can do it. Plus, I used to have professors who would give a scary lecture like that on the first day just to week out the slackers.
Does Tom Bruce still teach Death and Dying? I'll be interested to hear what you think about it...
He does, but I am taking it from another teacher. So far so good. Very interesting.
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