Friday, May 12, 2006

"Mine tastes like a taco!!!!"

There are several commercials out there that either makes me want to vomit or have the “bad touch” feeling to them…

The first one for some kind of pizza rolls or something. There are boys having a sleepover & the sneak downstairs to make some pizza rolls. There are various flavors of pizza rolls so the prepubescent boys start yelling “Mine tastes like a cheeseburger!”, “Mine taste like a pizza!” and then my favorite “Mine tastes like a taco!!!” buy some plump boy. Yes son, I am sure yours tastes like a taco. For some reason this commercial gives me both “bad touch” feeling & makes me pee my pants laughing.

The second commercial that disturbs me opens with an older couple in their home about to walk upstairs with each other when the doorbell rings. Low and behold, it’s the kids & the grandkids. They’ve come over for a surprise visit! Then there is a voice over with a mans voice saying “Aren’t you glad that you are using “blah blah” which lasts 72 hours”. It’s some kind of Viagra drug. So, grandpa was about to bang grandma when the kids c*ck block them. Do you really want gramps playing with the grandkids with a semi? Ick.

The last one grosses me out totally. It is a new mayonnaise commercial. It shows people licking the jars. That is just nasty. Does anyone out there really lick a mayo jar like a cake batter bowl? Gross. Especially since you know that the mayo in a jar starts to separate & turn that clear color around the lid n stuff. Barf…


Anonymous said...

Gynagirl, I guess I should tell you now. Yes, I licked the mayonaise jar. We should have had "this talk" long ago, before things got too heavy. But what can I say? I'm just a big pu$$y who likes a corndog in me once in a while ... er, you know what I mean.

Count Mockula said...

Dude, as someone who is vehemently anti-mayonnaise already, I can assure you that licking the mayonnaise jar in any form (including Mensa's apparently euphemistic one, and may I just say -- ew), will not be on my to-do list in this lifetime. Well, maybe if they start making chocolate mayonnaise. But I doubt it.

David Tellez said...

Ok, that first commercial, I never really paid attention to it, but now, after reading "Mine taste like a taco!!!" several times, I get it. Funny stuff, huh?

And the grandkids cock block/clam jack the grandparents?! What commercial is this one?! I so need to see it!!!

And that whole mayo thing is just gross. Do you know some people actually use it in chocolate cakes?! That right there makes my stomach turn...