Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Anthropomorphic Smokey the Bear gone wrong & other randomness

Last week I received our business news letter & I usually don't read it but this time I saw something that caught my eye. There was a picture of a woman standing with this statue of Smokey the Bear. What made me at first do a double take was the HUGE bulge in Smokey's pants. Then I noticed that Smokey somewhat ripped. This is not the Smokey of my youth. I researched the statue discovered that it is a fairly new revamped Smokey. I just want to say that the new Smokey statue is just wrong. In fact it is b-dong. I had to share the pic with Drummergirl, since she is usually the first (and sometimes only) person to be visually punished on a daily basis by me depending on how bored or busy I am at work. She requested that I post it here to share with the world.

Other randomness is that I have my first A&P exam on Thursday, which I am nervous about. The first exams are always scary. I am extra lucky because we also have our first lab practicals on the same day. Scary stuff that I feel I am too old to deal with, but will.

I found out that my uncle had a date this weekend. This is my widowed uncle who is like a father to me. My mom said he had a great time & the lady was nice. I am happy for him but deep down inside, or rather more at the surface, I feel weird about it. I feel like I'm 10 years old. I know this is good for him, it has been a year & a half since my aunt died, he's still young, & I want him to be happy (and so did my aunt), but I still feel like a child about the whole situation. The logical side of me is really happy for him, but the illogical side of me is pouting and throwing a tantrum.

Lastly, I've been obsessed with a couple of bands lately. The first is "Of Montreal". I know that these guys have been around for a while, but I am really loving their album "Skeletal Lamping". It's like really weird & happy muppet music on LSD. They are just fun to listen to. The second band is "The Twilight Sad" which totally sounds like some emo band, but they aren't. The only way I can describe them is that they sound like a Scottish Interpol. I personally adore them right now. Now the singer has a really thick Scottish brogue so it is hard to understand him sometimes, but I find that totally hot. I really think they are talented, but I also know that I am an American woman, so my judgement may be biased because the singer has a thick accent & sounds hot. I am doing a little experiment to find out which it is. I burned a copy for my brother & my cousin (both men) and so far my brother said he likes the music but the singer annoys him because his accent is too thick. I am waiting to hear back from my cousin on what he thinks about them.


Umbrella said...

First Alex Lifeson, then David Hasselhoff, now Smokey? I know where your mind is.

gynagirl said...

It's on making the perfect man! With Smokey's bulge, Alex's camel toe & the hoff's way with puppies, I have the perfect man beast... Pig man bear, or is it man bear pig:) Sorry I just had to make a little Southpark reference there.

Oh, BTW, my word verification is "Chici". I know it's one letter off, but it still reminds me of chichies...