Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This picture has nothing to do with this story...

But it is sure darn funny.... Quick update with my life & why I haven't blogged or seen a lot of you & then I will have a funny story... Since December, I've been taking care of my aunt during the day because she is dying from cancer. (not so funny). We got the news last week that she has a little more than 4 months left to live and she will be bed ridden. To top that off, my uncle (her husband) got fired from his job that he had for 28 years. FMLA can only help you so much, people. I have broken up with my ex (thank gawd). I just started school again. I haven't been in 12 years. I have decided when I grow up that I want to be a nurse (and a fairy princess unicorn) & I should be one in about 3-4 years (with the nurse stuff). Well, enough happy news, here's the story...
A couple of weeks ago, I was driving to Drummergirls birthday dinner at a sushi joint downtown. This joint is a couple of blocks from the damn Music Circus and there was something playing & I drove around for 20 mins trying to find a parking spot to no avail. Being extremely poor, I called G-Boy & told him that I wouldn't be able to make it because I couldn't find parking & didn't want to pay $10 for it. I was turning the corner from F to 15th when I noticed that there were 2 cars parked right in the middle of the street & some major road rage was going down. The belligerent guy in a SUV gets out of his car & is raging against the guy in a Volvo. The Volvo guy is on his phone trying to call the cops & SUV guy reaches in & tries to pull the guy out. V-guy gets out of his car & is trying to get away from SUV-guy while yelling into his phone that he is being assaulted. SUV-guy pushes V-guy and V-guy dashes away around his car to try to get away from SUV-guy. (SUV-guy has blocked V-guy's car with his own so that is why V-guy didn't drive away). SUV-guy throws V-guys flip flop that has fallen off in the running back at V-guy. This is all happening very quickly, mins at most. V-guy has a dog in his car & let me add it's a poodle... Well I think you all know where this is going. SUV-guy yanks the poodle out of V-guys car & tosses the dog into the street. I was horrified (but deep deep down, slightly amused). The dog is fine but yapping at SUV-guy on 15th. Finally SUV-guy gets into his car and speeds off. I pull over & give V-guy my info because I witnessed the whole ordeal, made sure the dog was okay (he was) plus I wanted to help anyway I can because I really felt helpless when it was all going down. I really should keep pepper spray in my car for these occasions. I take this as a sign from God and pay the $ to park & go to Drummergirls dinner. Later that night, around midnight, while I am watching the new David Lynch movie, the cops call to get my statement. All ready weirded out because I am watching David Lynch, I give my statement, but it is all very surreal. Yes I did laugh when I described the poodle incident & I even told the cop, "you don't mess with a mans poodle"... I haven't heard back from the cops or V-guy so hopefully the SUV-guy got picked up for assault and cruelty to animals.

1 comment:

Count Mockula said...

Dude, that's a David Lynch scene right there!! Crazy!!