Monday, July 24, 2006

Stay tuned after these messages....

It's been a while since I've written so I just wanted to tell everyone to still stay tuned in because I'll be writing bunches in September & on when I am in Europe. Right now I am really busy with work because I only have 3 weeks left (yay!) so my blogging will be scarce until I get to Europe, but stay tuned!!!


Murph said...

Is that a real pirate, or just a cat dressed like a pirate?

gynagirl said...

At least once a week I like to go to google image & keyword 2 random words together & see if any images come up & torture drummergirl with my findings. This is what happens when you put "Cat" & "Pirate" together. You will not believe how many people like to dress their cats like pirates. God I love google image.

The reason why I came up with an image of Captain Black Whiskers, is that I like to call my menstration cycle "The Captain" as in "Captain blood-in-snatch" from an old article from the Onion many years ago. I was discussing said "Captain" with Drummergirl & I like to add pictures with my emails to make things more interesting. Hence pirate cats...

David Tellez said...

Well, until then...see you real soon!