Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More Taco Toe, Douche Bag Boyfriend Wisdom & Potato Salad

My mom screwed up the day of my appointment so I don't get my Taco Toe taken care of until next week. I was telling my old pal "Inka" about my Taco Toe & she laughed but then said that she had to go because she wanted to go get some tacos because of my Taco Toe.
I was talking to another pal about her douche bag ex & I was likening him to "Calibos" from "Clash of the Titans" because her ex had no endearing qualities what so ever. I told her he was like Calibos because he was a douche & he wanted to kill her unicorn spirit. I also said that they should sell shock collars for people who date douche's and every time you talk or think about them, you get a little shock... (On a side note, when I was looking for a pic of Calibos, I stumbled onto an 80's metal band with the same name....darn...)
I made potato salad for the first time this past weekend for my grandma's b-day party & it turned out purdy good. My cousin's wife called me yesterday to ask if I wanted to make any extra money by making some potato salad for her sisters engagement party because mine was so darn tasty. I get to make $40 bucks!
PS... My mom made the appointment for me because it was her appointment originally and she couldn't go because of work, so she called & switched it to me... It totally sounded like my mommy makes my doctors appointments for me...

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