Monday, March 06, 2006

Wacky adventures of Gynagirl at church

A couple of observations before I get to my church adventures.

-I am so lazy that I buy soup in a sippy cup. I can't even be bothered to use a bowl & a fricken spoon.

-I ate a whole bunch of asparagus last night for dinner. I love asparagus. Now I am sweating asparagus pee smell. Note to self; if you are to eat a pound of asparagus, make sure you have the next day off.

Now on to my church adventures. I took Beastos to his second communion. My mom, Beastos & I had to be at church at 9am. We were hosting a coffee & nibbles hour after Lethurgy (mass, but orthodox) in honor of my Papou's (Grandfather) birthday. We set up & went to Lethurgy. Beastos sat for about 5 minutes before he started to get loud & squirmy. I took him to the back room where they have toys n stuff for little kids. There was a Sunday school going on, but for little bitty kids. They let us hang out with them while the sermon was going on. Beastos was having fun plus they gave him cheez-it's which made him very happy & he was running around laughing at everything. While we were back there, I was talking with some of the other parents about Greece & where to go ect. The bible school teacher was this teenage guy. He had to have been 16 or 17. He was a little hottie. Oh so cute. I thought to myself "Man, if I was 5-wait, 10-nope, 13 years younger". Then I realized that in theory, I could be this kids mom.... Now I would've had to have him when I was 13, but it could've happened. I am now a dirty old lady. It took church to show me that. After the sermon was complete, I took Beastos up to get communion. He squirmed & fought the communion. Afterwards, my step-grandmother asked if I saw what had happened after mass. I told her no. She said that someone spilled the wine & that the priest had to lick it up off the floor. I thought she was kidding. Nope, I guess it is extremely sacred. I thought my job was bad, but I guess having to lick spilt wine off the ground is pretty hard core. I got worried & thought it was when Beastos was fighting taking the wine, but my mom said that it was some little girl infront of us. I am SOOO glad it wasn't us. At least now I know to make sure the Beast takes it without spilling it. Now I have to go again next week. At least I get to spend time with my Grandfather, plus I get to learn more about my religion. Ta-ta for now!


Count Mockula said...

One of my professors told me a story about when he was a kid and his little brother spat the wafer out onto the ground -- they had to REMOVE THE TILE it landed on!

Suzanne said...

I don't think your soup in a cup is so awful. I have a friend who likes a certain type of microwave mac and cheese. The problem is that it comes in a metal container, so you are supposed to put it on a plate to prepare it. My friend was mortified at the idea, as she believed that the point of microwaving something is that you do not need a plate. Her solution was to buy a second microwave meal with in a microwavable container, nuke it, eat it, and then put the mac and cheese in the empty container and repeat the process.

At any rate, I will heed your asparagus warning and I am glad that your nephew was not responsible for making a priest lick wine off the floor.