Thursday, December 08, 2005

Gynagirl = PC

Does anyone else ever hear "me Chinese. me play joke. me put peepee in your coke" in their head every time they go potty? For some strange reason I do about 90% of the time


Count Mockula said...

Interestingly, I may never have heard that before until just now.


Unknown said...

i think i heard it on the daily show again recently... no, wait, maybe it was the new yorker article on sara(h?) silverman...

i think it was something in her crash dialogue about wanting to ditch jury duty so a friend told her to write something totally racist, in order to get out of doing the jury duty thing.

so she writes down, "i hate chinks." then she re-thinks, and realizes that she does not really want to come across as a race hater, so she scratches it out and writes "i like chinks."

i think it was in there somewhere.

there is also the other one i heard somewhere about "softlee softlee catchee monkee..." which was about how not to be startled when breaking the puddle with a wild deuce...

the cats sound great, glad they have a cool roomate...

Count Mockula said...

"there is also the other one i heard somewhere about "softlee softlee catchee monkee..." which was about how not to be startled when breaking the puddle with a wild deuce..."

I don't know what any of this means at all. And I really thought about it. Breaking the puddle with a wild deuce? Is that like one of the hidden lyrics is "Blinded by the light?" I could never understand that song either . ..

gynagirl said...

Sarah Silverman is my hero. When I grow up, I wanna be her....

Unknown said...

Sorry Mockula, wasn't trying to be cryptic, "breaking the puddle" is a slang term for using the toilet, and "throwing the wild deuce" is a derivative of the card game poker, but refers to "going number two," as in defecation.

that whole paragraph was instructions on the importance of concentrating when voiding the bowels, so as not to leave the job incomplete.

the whole thing was sort of associative thinking as i typed my way through the morning...

man, this word verification makes me feel dumb because i fuck it up and have to retype it, squinting at the letters, saying out loud, "what the fuck does that say? was it written by the goddamned chinks? is that chinese or something?"

but i am not racist, i like chinks.

Count Mockula said...

Hey thanks, that makes a lot more sense. But now I've got "Blinded by the Light" in my head anyway.