Oh, I forgot to tell you all about another wacky thing that happened to me. I was at the store with my nephew on Saturday. I was in the baby aisle looking at baby food. While Beastos & I were laughing at the nasty choices they have for babies concerning food, (okay just me, but he was laughing because I was laughing) a normal looking man wearing an expensive looking Hawaiian shirt & docker shorts came up to me. He looked like a newscaster. He looked at my arms & asked about my tattoos. Just the usual, "Did it hurt? How long did it take?" blah blah blah. Then he looks behind me & sees the ones on my back probably because I am wearing a tank top & facing him sideways. He seems normal so far, just silly questions trying to understand the youth of today, trying to be hip or something. Then he grabs me & swings me around so that my back is to him & he pulls down the top of my tank to take a look at the ones on my back, then he says "OOH! There's more on the bottom!!!" like a "special" person. Then he lifts up my tank & pulls the waist of my pants down to take a look at the ones on my back. I pull away & turn around about to bitch slap him, but he has that "special Corky" look in his eyes, like it is Christmas or something, so I just say "Bye Bye" grab the shopping cart with my nephew, who is a year old & is also thinking this guy is a total freak & get the hell away from him.
Dude, that's creepier than the tattoo guy who follows Warp 11 around. Never mind special, AJ's right, you shoulda hit him. He was violating your space.
I had the boy with me & my first instinct was to run. Kinda like an elk or bunny or something. Plus I can't hit a retard.
Don't hit, it constitutes battery and now that we aren't kids anymore, that means something. Plus I'm no good at the criminal law stuff, so keep your nose clean.
Next time put mensa2society on the case and the fool will get beat down with a thesaurus.
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