Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Is it you God? It's me, Gynagirl.

Sorry I haven't been around lately, but I have been slammed with my new job. I won't bore you with the details, but I'll at least get some bloging in today. Yesterday I discovered two things that I will share with you...
1. I went clothes shopping for my new job. I am wearing heels today. Can you believe that? & slacks?!?!?!?! Anyways, I also need some new boule holders so I went & got my usual C, but it was too small... My boules have graduated to D cups. I can't believe it. My nice perfect handful C's have now grown to a bouncy D cup. My girls are growing up so fast. At least now my girls are comfortable in their new home. I am just worried about sagging when I get older. I always moisturize, though.
2. As I was trying to get to sleep last night, instead of counting sheep or meditating, I came up with the most foul disgusting insult I could think of. "3 day old cumm, curry dookie infested, *nal gonnoreyah, leaky boil on a punctured hemorrhoid, *sshole...."
ps. While my spelling is atrocious at times I am purposely misspelling key baddy words.


Count Mockula said...

And did that actually help you get to sleep?

gynagirl said...

Yes it did.