Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Rose Baines & Vida Loca Pictures

I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a dream that an old mean lady named "Rose Baines" was haunting my bathroom. She was always being mean if I was in there. I told her to go to the light, but she wouldn't. I wasn't scared, I was annoyed. Hm. Strange. If anyone wants to check out some pictures from the Vida Loca gathering, here they some. There are a couple of M2S & I if you look real close. http://www.clubcatfight.net/_sgg/m4m7_1.htm

There are some really great get-ups. I didn't see Kiki or Inca in any of them, but trust me, they were getting down & dirty....

1 comment:

Count Mockula said...

Hey, you looked good in the pics. By the way, my mom got all Freudean on your dream and thought that maybe "Baines" sounded like the last name of the guy who'd been wreaking havoc on my home and security. A link? Perhaps . . .