Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I Hate Hormones....

PMSing...PMSing... All Fiona Apple & no play makes Gynagirl A hormonal mess... It doesn't matter if I'm angry or sad, I just start crying for stupid reasons.. Should I bring up the David Bowie's "Ground Control to Major Tom" fiasco? The song came on in my car on the radio & I was PMSing & started to bawl because it was so sad. Now I am listening to Fiona. Yes I know I am cruising for bruising, but I can't help it. At least I'm not listening to Jeff Buckley. It doesn't help that I am at work sniffling like a little girl. If this the price to pay for boobies, then I don't want them.. Plus my little Gary is sick. I have to take him to the vet tonight. I hope he'll be okay. They think it just might be a cold or something. I just want to go back home & crawl into bed & stay there until this is over, but who will pay all the vet bills?


Count Mockula said...

Sillyhead, I will rescue you with . . . lunch and a present! Not a big present, though, so don't get your hopes up or nothing.

Anonymous said...

Oh darlin! Why didn't you just say that's what was goin' on? (drummer girl)