Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Whorification of Blitzkrieg Bop & Other Atrocities....

Yesterday I was watching TV & was horrified to notice that The Ramones were being used in two back to back ads. One for diet Pepsi & the other for a cell phone ad. Both ads used "blitzkrieg Bop". Thank god not one of my favorite songs from them. But still.... Come on. I guess it's like when Cadillac used Led Zeppelin. It still hurts.... Is anyone else pissed off that Britney Spears is having a baby before they are? I mean, come on! Don't get me started on Gwen Steffani's accessories.... 4 Japanese girls...


monkeygirl said...

I'm not pissed Brit's having a baby before me, I am pissed that imbeciles such as she and KFed are allowed to breed. Their union solidifies so many of my preconceived stereotypes of backwater bayou folk.

Also- blame the Ramones for selling a license to those companies for their songs. Its the artist who licenses the rights, guess money talks.

gynagirl said...

I can't totally front about Britney... I've watched a couple of episodes of "Chaotic". It's like a train wreck. Hopefully she'll take lots of time off of making crappy music to take care of the spawn...

Count Mockula said...

This is why I love you. Yeah, it's like my own personal hell to turn on the TV and see the Ramones hawking Diet Pepsi and Jane's Addiction shilling for Coors. I swear.

I'm with you, though, I hope Brit takes some well needed time off -- well needed for ME.

Anonymous said...

Cosmopolitan says that 4 Japanese girls are the new black.