Tuesday, September 13, 2005

16... I'm Sweet....

I stole this from RDCHINO, the smart bastard, who stole this from someone else... Go to google & type in your "(name) is" including the quotation marks & see what you find...

Althea is an IMAP client for X Windows that uses the GTK widget set. (what the hell is a widget?)

The Althea is on the Via Delle Caldaie at #25 (not lately)

ALTHEA is a beautiful female goddess (oh yeah, baby)

The original Althea is not actually for sale (well, for the right price)

Althea is designed in the Italian style as the ideal ensemble (well actually I was designed in the Greek & Mexican style)

Althea isa very professional harpsichord and one of our busiest rental instruments (um, okay)

Althea is an erect perennial herb (teeheehee...erect)

Althea is faced with a difficult choice (to whore or not to whore)

Althea is regarded by many as the Greek goddess of healing. (or the Greek Goddess of rockin'!)

Althea is not always interested in doing the wrong thing. (yeah right)

Althea is a stripper with a horrible childhood (not a stripper, normal crappy childhood)

Althea is a puller of spirits, (I'm a puller alright, but not of spirits)

Althea is sweet (there are too many to go on, so I'll end with this gem)

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