Monday, March 07, 2005

Does anyone remember Goucho Pants?!?!

Why are they trying to bring back Bermuda shorts? I saw an Old Navy ad this weekend. These don't look good on anyone. I think I had some in Jr High. If we hold out, we can win. They tried & tried to bring back Goucho Pants these past few years, but we all know that they are soooo tarded looking. I don't care that Sarah Jessica Parkers wears them or not. I will not ever wear Goucho pants or Bermuda shorts again....

Now that I got that off my chest, I can now move onto a bit of meow meow whining on my part.... For some reason, I am cursed. All this fucked up shit keeps on happening to me week after week. I won't go into details because some of it is gross, but take my word for it, I am cursed right now. I don't even have time anymore between messed up shit that happens to recuperate from the last one. My mom called last night & told me what I needed to do to protect myself from the "stomatia" (sp?). That is the Greek word for curse. So I am sporting my blessed cross & I gotta go out & get myself an evil eye to protect myself. It has seriously got to the point now that I might have to sacrifice a chicken or something to get this eyeore cloud from over my head to go away. I locked myself in my apartment yesterday & hid from the world. I ate a whole pint of Ben & Jerrys (boy am I paying for that today. I am lactose intolerant). If anyone has any ideas how to get this curse off of me, please I am desperate for some relief.

No matter how bad it gets, at least I never had to kill my true love with a shotgun because he had rabies... Did anyone else watch "their eyes were watching god" last night? It was pretty good, but when she had to take out her boyfriend with a shotgun because he had rabies, I lost it. Really, I laughed until snot blew out of my nose. I know it was supposed to be sad and all, but I found it hilarious...

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